Saturday, March 20, 2010

I've turned 18!!

Yesterday i celebrated my 18th birthday!
I had só much fun, my family and the parents of my boyfriend came over to celebrate it with me:)

I got a camera and a treatment at a beauty salon from my parents <3
My boyfriend bought me 'diamonds from Armani' the perfume;) and he knows I love Zare so i also got a Voucher from him..
My aunt came up with a view funny presents. A dishwashing brush and huge grannie pants.
My sister bought me perfume and I also am a rich girl now, because i have got a lot of money.

Ya'll don't have to guess where that is for hihi.



  1. Happy bday! Sounds you had a great day ;)

  2. Nog gefeliciteeeerd!

    xoxo, Thn - A Step Into My World


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